Team Plasma N What Eyeshield 21 Fall Tournament Team Are You?

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Eyeshield 21 Quizzes
deimon, devil bats, dinosaurs, hakushu, naga, ojo, seibu, shinryuji, sphinx, taiyo, white knights, wild gunmans
12 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC Sabriela Hellena Krystail wolf eye LunaLei Vampire Girl 666 xxsadxkittyx kazumishana

    Your team has made it to the final round of the fall tournament. You have to attend a lottery to pick the first team you will play. You stick your hand in the box and pull out a number. Which number did you pull out of the box?


    Now the other teams are picking numbers and finally it comes to a close. Which team do you end up playing?

    We'll be playing the Wolves
    OMG! We have to play the Nagas? Are you kidding me? *shivers*
    Hmph a wild card team huh? That is fine we will play the Dinosaurs.
    With our secret weapon we should easily beat the Sphinx.
    Geez. This match will be like stealing candy from a baby. Deimon is a weak team. We will crush them.
    We will not underestimate the Golems.

    What are you feeling now that you know what team you are playing?

    Freaked out. I mean seriously we have to play that team? We will be killed! @_@
    With the special training we did, I have no doubt our line will stand strong.
    We are a different team than we were in the spring tournament. I am confident we will go all the way.
    So many strong teams. Well, if we want to go to the Christmas Bowl than I'd say bring them on!
    Well, I do not think it is wise to get cocky so I will stay calm.
    Oh this is going to be good. I cannot wait to kill their dream.

    It is the night before the big game. You cannot sleep, you just keep thinking about the other team and their ace. Who is the ace of that team?

    Agon Kongo.
    The Kid.
    Shin Seijuro.
    Hiruma Yoichi.
    Maruko Reiji.
    Banba Mamoru.

    It is the day of the big game; you are getting ready in the locker room and sliding the jersey on. What number are you?

    I am wearing the number 8.
    My jersey number is 12.
    *evil laugh* I will be number 70. I cannot wait to crush them.
    I am number 80. I will fight to the max!
    They say threes a charm, so I will be number 3
    Ha! I am number 29. It is my favorite number.

    Before you know it, you are taking the field for the big game; however, a reporter waves you down and asks you a quick question. She asks you what type of girl do you like?

    I like a girl that takes pride in herself.
    I really love a girl who is elegant.
    I just want a girl who will love me for who I am.
    Hmm, one that is willing to have an open relationship with me.
    I like them pretty, please no ugly dogs.
    I want a girl that I can use.

    The reporters in the booth are discussing the teams and what they are ranked. What is your ranking?

    We are the black horse team. So no one really knows about us yet.
    Oh snap! We have been the champions for over ten years. You tell me what we are ranked.
    We are the wild card.
    We are ranked number 2. However, we are the strongest generation of our school yet.
    I am not going to get cocky, but we are a good team. That is all I am going to say.
    Rank has nothing to do with it. I do not care what we are ranked. We are here and that is all that matters.

    Finally, the punt has been done and the ball is coming in your general direction. What is your plan of action?

    I plan on catching it and hopefully gain some yardage since I am a running back.
    I am plan on crushing anyone that will get in my way.
    I will block for the man with the ball and show how much strength our team has.
    Oh dear! Well I'd say with him on the team, he will be breaking some bones.
    We plan on defeating our enemy with our new and improved team.
    Well, let's not too cocky. We will just run the ball and see how far we can go.

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